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What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides?

What is the story of Area 51?
Area 51 is a location on the map and a common name for a US Air Force base. It is located in Dry Groom Lake in the Nevada desert, 135 kilometers north of Las Vegas.
Inside this region, very secret matters are taking place. To warn the public not to approach, signs and electronic monitoring devices, as well as armed guards, have been erected for this purpose.
It is prohibited to fly over Area 51, although the site is monitored by satellites, and the base has runways for aircraft up to 3.7 km in length.
Not far from Area 51, two military zones are also prohibited. One is the Nevada test site, where US nuclear weapons were tested between the 1950s and 1990s; The other is a Nevada testing and training area.
The entire area covers more than 2.9 million acres. According to the US military, it represents a “realistic and multi-dimensional arena for conducting tests and training.”
Area 51 was a testing ground for a group of top-secret aircraft, including the U-2 in 1952. The U.S. government denied its existence for many years and then admitted its existence in 2013.
During the Cold War, aircraft such as the U-2 high-altitude spy plane were also tested. Weapon systems have been tested in this area, their current use remains unknown and remains a big secret.
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips
Where is Area 51 located?
Deep in the Nevada desert is a top-secret base known as Area 51, located 100 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada, and is classified as a US military installation.
Area 51 is one of the 9 Places That Never Appear on Google Maps | The places you can’t see on Google Earth.
With these coordinates 37 degrees 14 minutes north of latitude and 115 degrees and 48 minutes west of longitude, after decades of government officials’ refusal to recognize Area 51, the CIA released declassified documents in 2013 indicating an 8,000-square-meter facility located on Map Near Groom Dry Lake, Area 51 is a popular tourist destination.
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips
What happens when people try to approach Area 51?
Some visitors believe that Area 51 near Rachel, Nevada houses a secret government tech bunker, but the government says it’s an Air Force testing ground.
Several years ago, “People could tell they were watching,” Josh adds that the area around the gate he approached was essentially a desert with fields, cows, and mountains as far as the eye could see, yet they told him he was under surveillance and Josh noticed guards stationed in buildings 20 feet away.
Almost always, these guards are watching Josh could see more guards behind the building and said no one greeted him at the entrance and added, “The cameras are around the three gates that lead into Area 51.”
It is a big mystery and this he thinks is why people love this area.
one of the visitors to this area as well, John who recounted his experience approaching the area while on a road trip in 2016, saying that the experience was really great but he couldn’t get rid of the feeling that something might happen and added: “A person can disappear overnight without anyone knowing and that is kind of weird.”
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips
The source of the mystery in Area 51
The beginning of Area 51 is directly related to the development of the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft after World War II.
In the early 1950s, the US Navy and Air Force sent low-flying aircraft on reconnaissance missions over the Soviet Union but were in constant danger of being shot down by President Eisenhower in November 1954 on the secret development of a high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft called the U-2.
The most important goal for this step was to remotely track a secret training and test site.
Later, the aircraft was found in the southern Nevada desert near Groom Lake, which was once a group Air artillery for armed pilots in the air in World War II and became Area 51.
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips
Why was Area 51 built?
Area 51 was established during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union as a test and development facility for aircraft including the U-2 and SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft.
Although it opened in 1955, its existence was only officially recognized by the CIA in August 2013, four months after the CIA revelations, President Obama became the first US president to publicly mention Area 51.
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips
What is happening in Area 51 today?
Although there is little official information, it is believed that the US military continues to use Area 51 to develop advanced aircraft, as it is believed that there are about 1,500 people working there, many of them traveling on flights from Las Vegas.
Annie Jacobsen, who has written about the history of Area 51, said that some of the spyware The most advanced in the world is in that secret area.
Area 51 is a place of testing and training where the search for it began with the U-2 spy plane in the 1950s and has now moved to drones.
Warning signs around Area 51 state that intruders will not be tolerated and the US Air Force warns that Area 51 “is an open training ground for the US Air Force and we will discourage anyone from trying to enter the area In which we train the US armed forces,” she added, “The US Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.”
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips
Secrets of Area 51 home of aliens and secret experiments
The secrecy surrounding Area 51 has helped fuel many conspiracy theories, the most famous of which is the claim that the site hosts an alien spacecraft and the bodies of its pilots after it crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
UFOs over or near the site while some say they were abducted by extraterrestrials and even experimented before being returned to Earth
In 1989, a man named Robert Lazar claimed that he had worked on strange technology inside that restricted area and claimed that he had seen medical pictures of foreigners and that America had used the place to examine unidentified aircraft objects.
And as early as the 1950’s, the CIA developed a UFO office to deal with sightings of unidentified flying objects over Nevada.
When people first saw the U-2 spy plane in flight, no one knew what they were seeing, and the CIA used this misinformation to its advantage by Promote space legends.
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips
Roswell Incident Area 51
In the annals of American UFO history, few incidents have inspired as much fascination and speculation as to the one in Roswell, New Mexico, which began in the summer of 1947 at the dawn of the Cold War when the U.S. Army Air Force sent out a shocking press release announcing that it had recovered a “flying disk” from a farm near Roswell
More than 80 years later, the crash is still a defining aspect of the area’s identity, and the city boasts a UFO museum and research center, a UFO-inspired McDonald’s, and quirky street lights.
But behind all the UFO obsession lies an uncomfortable truth. The events of that summer are not clear Exactly with admitted cover-up and conflicting interpretations
The actual nuclear tests were apparently not scary enough as the U.S. military claimed the UFO was just a weather balloon and others insisted it was an alien spacecraft that was then moved from Roswell Farm property to Area 51 for reverse engineering and possibly a big-eyed alien.” Gray ‘inside?
In September 1994, the Air Force released a full story report that stated that the wreckage was indeed a balloon, but not an ordinary weather balloon.
Instead, it was an atomic observation balloon intended to detect the explosions of distant nuclear tests.
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips
Amazing Facts About Area 51
Tourist Trap: Civilians can drive up to the front and rear gates of Area 51 but don’t attempt to enter Trespassing can result in arrest, a fine of up to $1,000, imprisonment for six months, or both resulting in dark red flags around the base.
More Mystery: In 2016 Google Earth images revealed a mysterious mile-long landing strip in Zone 6 of the Yucca Flat test site about 12 miles (19 km) northeast of Area 51 and nothing is known exactly what is being tested at the airstrip. But both the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security use the site.
Captured aircraft: There may not be good evidence that the military has captured and studied UFOs in Area 51 but files declassified in 2013 revealed that the US tested “secretly obtained” Soviet MiG fighters during The Cold War in the 1970s and 1980s and these secret projects were called HAVE DONUT, HAVE DRILL, and HAVE FERRY.
A Lockheed Test Site: A number of documents reveal that Area 51 was a test site for the Lockheed A-12 Oxcart and D-21 Tagboard. They also revealed that the F-117 Nighthawk is a stealth attack aircraft made by Lockheed that was tested in Area 51 where it began.
The vehicle was operational in 1981 but was kept secret until 1988. The Night Hawks were transported in the Gulf War and during the war, as well as the war in Yugoslavia and the Iraq war.
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips
Some known and unknown information about this area.
- Area 51 is an active military facility and is operated by Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California.
- This area is not available to the public (visitors) and is monitored 24 hours a day.
- The only confirmed use of Area 51 is as a flight test facility.
- Several people have reported seeing unidentified objects flying in or near the area (not necessarily from extraterrestrials) and explaining the condition of seeing objects over
- Area 51 on U-2 test flights and subsequent warplanes, according to the CIA.
- The staff arrives at the facility by plane.
- Area 51 has been visible on Google Maps since 2018, as before this year satellite images of the facility were subject to censorship.
It is not known why Area 51 is so named.
Why was area 51 built? What are The Mysterious Secrets Behind Area 51 | What Is The Government Hides? amazing facts about area 51, Roswell Incident? Aliens Tips