Grand Budapest hotel 10 Incredible 2014 movies
Is one of the movies to be watched, The film tells about the legend that has not and will not be forgotten, Mr. Gustav (Ralph Vines)?
Mr. Gustav is responsible for room service and counseling at the Budapest Hotel. befriends a boy named Zero Mustafa (Toni Revolori), as he works in the lobby and Gustav takes him under his wings.
Madame de (Dilda Swinton), 84, is murdered and her son Dmitry (Adrian Brody) decides to take revenge on Gustav. But it is easy until now, until it comes to an ancient, priceless painting, which is the family’s legacy, and a risky journey by everyone begins for the sake of painting.
interstellar-Aliens-Tips |
Entertainment is the primary goal of movies, but some movies not only entertain people but also educate them. Although Interstellar is a science fiction movie, it is not entirely divorced from reality. It introduces the field of theoretical physics to the public. Although the scientific theories presented in the film have not been tested, they are based on “scientific guesses”.
1- I am not afraid of death; I’m an old physicist.. I’m afraid of time.
What time? Is it one for all? Why do people sometimes feel that it is going very slowly when at other times they feel that it is going very fast? Is this just a feeling or is times really different? Time plays a major role in the film. He was in and of himself one of the characters, controlling the other characters and shaping their lives.
In the past, space and time were considered independent entities, until Einstein changed our understanding of time when he thought it related to space. According to him, time and space are a single entity that he refers to as spacetime. But what makes time pass slowly for some people and fast for others?
Surprisingly enough, gravity affects time; Where it passes the slower the greater the gravity. For example, the clocks on GPS satellites are different from those on Earth; Because they are in different gravitational fields.
In short, both space and motion affect time; It goes faster when people are moving around and vice versa. Thus, it is not just a feeling.
2- Today is my birthday, and it is special. Because you once told me we might be the same age when you come back
The twin paradox is one of Einstein’s interesting ideas. It explains how time varies with different speeds and locations. Imagine if there were twins.
One stays on Earth while the other travels at the speed of light, time will move slowly for someone who moves at the speed of light.
He doesn’t feel it, but everything around him slows down, including his body. When he returns – and he is not much older – he will find that his twin who remains on earth is old.
3- Gargantua
Is it possible to travel to space and return safely, or is it a dangerous adventure? One potential danger is that you could be swallowed up by a giant black hole. In the movie, the nearby black hole is called Gargantua. You can read more about black holes in this article.
Interstellar is full of interesting ideas that can’t be implemented yet – except for the first image of a black hole revealed by the National Science Foundation and the Event Horizon Telescope team on April 10, 2019 – but the beauty of it is its possibility. The film claims, backed by real science, that interstellar travel is no dream. The universe is a dark and mysterious place, yet scientists like Einstein light candles to reveal its secrets.
And filmmakers like Christopher Nolan, the director of Interstellar, present difficult theories in a wonderful way. A great movie is not one that provides viewers with all the answers; It is a film that urges them to find the answers themselves.
One of the Best Christopher Nolan Movies with an incredibly massive budget you can check the rest of them and their budget. Dust spreads to all parts of the earth, and diseases that strike natural resources, and the human race becomes vulnerable to annihilation.
Due to the lack of food and the spread of epidemics, and therefore a group of explorers led by the pilot (Cooper) seeks to travel on an unknown space flight through the wormhole in order to search for habitat and another planet fit for life in order to save humanity.
Is one of the movies to be watched
whiplashMystery & Thriller movies-Aliens-Tips
A story about the volatile relationship between a teacher and his student, Trans Fletcher (JK Simmons) is a distinguished jazz musician, and the tutor of aspiring drummer Andrew Niemann (Miles Teller), even though Trans’s teaching style is very harsh and violent to the extreme, he wants to reach perfection The ideal, even if the price was to be hard on his students, how much could the aspiring musician (Andrew) afford to excel in his work?
NightcrawlerMystery & Thriller movies-Aliens-Tips
Is one of the good movies to watch, The events of the film revolve around Leo Bloom (Jake Gyllenhaal), an ambitious young man who tries to find his way as a free crime journalist in Los Angeles. The boundaries between his role as an observer, his role as a participant in what is happening, so that he becomes the hero of his news story, and his cooperation in his mission (Nina) who works in the newscast.
Mommy-Aliens-Tips |
The film revolves around a widowed woman and a single mother who finds herself obliged to take care of her fifteen-year-old son, who suffers from attention deficit syndrome, and while the mother struggles all the time with her son, new neighbors come to the area in which they live, and the girl (Kayla) offers to help And along with her, life paths begin to balance little by little. and it is one of the good movies to watch 10 Incredible 2014 movies
Gone Girl 10 Incredible 2014 movies
Gone-Girl-Aliens-Tip |
Is one of the good movies to watch, The movie is based on a novel by the American writer (Jillian Flynn), about the secrets of modern marriage, on his fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dan (Ben Affleck) goes to the police station to report the disappearance of his wife Amy (Rosamond Pike), under the pressure of investigators, and the rage of the media, collapses The image of the happy husband that he tried to show about himself, his lies are revealed, and the whole society’s question becomes: Did Nick Dan kill his good wife?
IDA 10 Incredible 2014 movies
IDA-Aliens-Tips |
Anna (Agata Terzbuchxa) is an orphan girl who resides in a monastery after the Second World War, and becomes a nun inside it, but her mother’s spirit always accompanies her and asks her to communicate with her remaining relatives. Indeed, Anna answers the call and gets to know her Aunt Wanda (Agata Colesza), and is surprised by her aunt’s strange and unique personality, but that meeting opens many family secrets that have been long folded in the pages of the past. Is one of the good movies to watch.
Birdman Mystery & Thriller movies-Aliens-Tips |
The movie is one of the good movies to watch, tells about the actor Reagan Thompson (Michael Keaton), who was famous in the past for playing the character (Flying Man), which achieved great success at that time, and then his stardom died out after that, and who after all these years sees that he can put things back in place again, by quoting a story Short by the late American writer (Raymond Carver) on one of the theaters (Broadway), where he stars, writes the script, and directs this story.
Fury 10 Incredible 2014 movies
Fury-Aliens-Tips |
In April 1945, when the Allies were putting their final touches on the scene of European events, the war expert Sgt. Brad Pitt – under his command a crew of five – was leading a Sherman tank on a suicide mission behind enemy lines. Despite their shortage and equipment, they played an extremely heroic role. Is one of the good movies to watch
Boyhood 10 Incredible 2014 movies
Boyhood Mystery & Thriller movies-Aliens-Tips |
Is one of the good movies to watch, the story begins; Where (Mason), a school student with dreamy eyes, faces the turmoil of life. His mother, Olivia (Patricia Arquette) is fighting and unmarried, dedicating her life to him, and it was decided to transfer him and his sister Samantha (Lorelei Linkler) to Houston, after their father, Mason (Ethan Hawke), absent since Period, who returns from Alaska to reenter their world. This is how life begins to flow without stopping, through a group of fathers, mothers, stepmothers, stepmothers, girls, teachers, employers Mason coexists to find his own path.