The Most Memorable hbo game of thrones Quotes

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes

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Best Game ò throne Quotes Of The Books and TV Series.

The Most Memorable ‘Game is Thrones’ One-Liners So Far.

The best HBO game of thrones Quotes has entered our daily vernacular for a reason. The best Game Of Thrones quotes is not geek-speak.

20+ Best SERIES of the Decade, Ranked Must-See Netflix, HBO. – Aliens Tips.

George R. R. Martin has written lines that are used by everyone—between best friends and in boardroom meetings from Washington to Wagga Wagga.

The best Game is Thrones Quotes are so wonderful because they’re so sharp, so precise – like Tyrion’s wit.

(Btw, if you are a Tyrion fan you’ve got to check out this book of quotes: Wit & Wisdom Of Tyrion Lannister By George R.R Martin).

More than being enjoyable, these Game Of Thrones quotes can be used in everyday situations, making you sound a little wittier.

So whether you’re a Lannister lover, a Stark supporter, or a die-hard Daenerys defender; you’ll find their best Game Of Thrones quotes that you can use in everyday situations.

HBO game of thrones Quotes Ned Stark Quote Aliens Tips

HBO game of thrones Quotes
Game Of Thrones Ned Stark Quote Aliens Tips

“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words.

And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.” — Ned Stark

Ned Stark may be long dead, but during his all-too-short time on the show, he came out with some great lines.
This one pretty much summed up his character: rigidly principled, honorable, and ultimately doomed in the dog-eat-dog (or lion-eat-wolf) world of Westeros.
“A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is.” — Ned Stark, A Game of Thrones

“When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.” — Ned Stark, A Game of Thrones

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Ned Stark Quote Aliens Tips

“Some wounds never truly heal and bleed again at the slightest word.” — Ned Stark

“I grew up with soldiers. I learned how to die a long time ago.” — Ned Stark HBO game Of Thrones Quote HBO game Of Thrones Quotes.

There’s something chillingly poignant about this Ned Stark line, which he says to Varys while locked up in the dungeons shortly before his death.

“Winter is coming” —Ned Stark, Jon Snow  Pretty much everyone.

Ned Stark was banging on about winter back in Season 1, and now — with the White Walkers plotting an imminent invasion — it’s looking like people should have paid him more attention.

HBO game of thrones Quotes Catelyn Stark Aliens Tips

“Laughter is poison to fear.” — Catelyn Stark, A Game of Thrones

HBO game of thrones Quote Jon Snow Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Jon Snow Aliens Tips

“If I fall, don’t bring me back.” — Jon Snow

They used this one in the trailer before the Battle of the Bastards, and it’s resonated ever since. Absolute peak Jon Snow.

“Love is the death of duty.” — Jon Snow, in Season 8

“Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory and our great tragedy.” — Jon Snow, A Game of Thrones HBO game Of Thrones Quotes.


The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Jon Snow Aliens Tips

“There is only one war that matters. The Great War. And it is here.” — Jon Snow

Jon may be a bit surly, but he certainly tells it how it is.

“Everything before the word ‘but’ is horseshit.” — Jon Snow HBO game Of Thrones Quotes.

When to use it? Letting someone know to stop basking in the sound of their own voice and get to the point.

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Jon Snow Aliens Tips

“Night gathers, and now my watch begins” — Various members of the Night’s Watch.

The whole speech they give when taking the oath of the Night’s Watch is pretty good, to be fair — but this line is particularly ominous.

You’ve got to hand it to Jon Snow and the gang — being in the Night’s Watch is a lot of hard, cold, and scary work for very little reward.

“‘Don’t call me Lord Snow.’ The dwarf lifted an eyebrow. ‘Would you rather be called the Imp? Let them see that their words can cut you and you’ll never be free of the mockery.

If they want to give you a name take it make it your own. Then they can’t hurt you with it anymore.'” — Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister, A Game of Thrones

HBO game Of Thrones Quote Ygritte Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Ygritte Aliens Tips “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”

“You know nothing, Jon Snow.” — Ygritte, A Storm of SwordsThis one’s basically now reached meme status, but it also has a poignant edge to it.

(it’s the last thing Ygritte says to Jon before she dies, after all).

“Every man must die, Jon Snow. But first, he must live.” — Ygritte, A Storm of Swords HBO game Of Thrones Quote

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Ygritte Aliens Tips “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”

“You’re mine as I’m yours. And if we die, we die. But first, we’ll live.” — Ygritte, A Storm of Swords, Season 3

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Ygritte Aliens Tips “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”

Game Of Thrones Quote Tywin Lannister Aliens Tips

“I would let myself be consumed by maggots before mocking the family name and making you heir to Casterly Rock.” — Tywin Lannister

If you ever get the impression that Tyrion is bitter, this is probably why: his dad said things like this to him.

Reminders of lines like this make that whole crossbow incident seem a little more understandable.

“Any man who must say ‘I am the King’ is no true King.” — Tywin Lannister HBO game of thrones Quotes

Tywin may have been unforgivably unpleasant on occasion, but the way he shut down one of Joffrey’s tirades with this line was incredibly satisfying.

“A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep.” — Tywin Lannister
When can you use it? When you’re being criticized for taking a risk.

This one pretty much sums up Tywin’s arrogance. Like other notable Lannisters, he saw himself as above everyone else. It made him intimidating, but also — ultimately — more vulnerable than he thought.

“I need you to become the man you were always meant to be. Not next year, not tomorrow, now.” — Tywin Lannister, Season 1

HBO game Of Thrones Quote Tyrion Lannister Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Tyrion Lannister Aliens Tips

“A Lannister always pays his debts.” — Various Lannisters
The motto for House Lannister is impressively flexible — it can be a bribe or a threat (unless it’s Cersei talking, in which case it’s definitely a threat).

“I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards, and broken things.” — Tyrion Lannister.

Tyrion said this back to Bran back in the show’s early days. The lines serve as an early indication of just how different he is from his family.

“Love is more powerful than reason. We all know that.” — Tyrion Lannister, Season 8 HBO game Of Thrones Quotes

“I will hurt you for this. I don’t know how yet, but give me time.

A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you’ll know the debt is paid.” — Tyrion Lannister HBO game of thrones Quotes

Tyrion may be amusing, but he can also be just as harsh as his sister when he wants to be.

HBO game Of Thrones Quote Tyrion Lannister Aliens Tips

“Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.” — Tyrion Lannister A Game of Thrones.

Tyrion here, giving some sage advice to Jon Snow and showing his impressive capacity for wisdom and psychological insight.

“That’s what I do: I drink and I know things.” — Tyrion Lannister
Tyrion can be wise, and he can be cutthroat, but above all, he’s gloriously witty and self-deprecating.

“Oh, monster? Perhaps you should speak to me more softly then. Monsters are dangerous and just now Kings are dying like flies.” — Tyrion Lannister
Any line that completely shuts up Joffrey is a good line, to be fair.

“I am your son. I have always been your son.” — Tyrion Lannister
A sad, bitter line that marks the end of a truly depressing father-son relationship.

“Why is it that when one man builds a wall, the next man immediately needs to know what’s on the other side?” — Tyrion Lannister, A Game of Thrones HBO game Of Thrones Quote.

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Tyrion Lannister Aliens Tips

“When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” — Tyrion Lannister, A Clash of Kings.

“‘Don’t call me Lord Snow.’ The dwarf lifted an eyebrow. ‘Would you rather be called the Imp? Let them see that their words can cut you and you’ll never be free of the mockery.

If they want to give you a name take it make it your own. Then they can’t hurt you with it anymore.'” — Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister, A Game of Thrones. HBO game Of Thrones Quotes

Game Of Thrones Quote Lord Peter Baelish “Littlefinger” Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Lord Peter Baelish “Littlefinger” Aliens Tips

“A man with no motive is a man no one suspects. Always keep your enemies confused.

If they don’t know who you are or what you want, they can’t predict your next move.” — Lord Peter Baelish “Littlefinger”, Season 4.

When can youuse it? When you’re asked, ‘What are you up to?’.

“It doesn’t matter what we want. Once we get it, then we want something else.” — Lord Peter Baelish “Littlefinger”

“Some people are fortunate enough to be born into the right family. Others have to find their own way.” — Lord Peter Baelish “Littlefinger”
“Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm or the gods or love. Illusions.

Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.” —Lord Peter Baelish “Littlefinger”
When can you use it? When work gets crazy.

It’s tricky to pin down exactly what Littlefinger wants in Game of Thrones, but this quote at least reveals his philosophy — while other factions war and kill each other, he takes advantage.

“The past is gone for good. You can sit here mourning its departure, or prepare for the future.” — Lord Peter Baelish “Littlefinger”.

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Lord Peter Baelish “Littlefinger” Aliens Tips

HBO game of thrones Quotes Ser Davos Seaworth Aliens Tips

“No one minds me. All I’ve ever done is live to a ripe old age.” — Ser Davos Seaworth
When can you use it? For the senior citizen when being ignored by those damn millennials.

“I failed. Good. Now go fail again.” — Ser Davos Seaworth
use it For the innovators.

“Nothing f*cks you harder than time.” — Ser Davos Seaworth
Davos doesn’t have as many standout quotes as some characters, but this one is a gem.

HBO game Of Thrones Quote Queen Daenerys Targaryen Aliens Tips

“Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell… they’re all just spokes on a wheel.

This one’s on top, then that one’s on top, and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground.” — Queen Daenerys Targaryen HBO game of thrones Quotes

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Queen Daenerys Targaryen Aliens Tips

A good analogy of the game of thrones from everyone’s favorite warrior Queen.

“All men must die, but we are not men.” —  Queen Daenerys Targaryen HBO game of thrones Quotes

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Queen Daenerys Targaryen Aliens Tips


“I am the dragon’s daughter, and I swear to you that those who would harm you will die screaming.” — Queen Daenerys Targaryen HBO game Of Thrones Quotes

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
HBO game of thrones Quotes Queen Daenerys Targaryen Aliens Tips

Dialogue doesn’t come much more badass than this (and when you’ve just walked out of a roaring inferno unscathed, it’s even cooler).

“The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends’ Ser Jorah told her. ‘It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace.’ He gave a shrug.

‘They never are.'” — Jorah Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen, A Game of Thrones HBO game Of Thrones Quotes

Game Of Thrones Quote Mance Rayder Aliens Tips

“The freedom to make my own mistakes was all I ever wanted.” — Mance Rayder


HBO game Of Thrones Quote Jaime Lannister “Kingslayer” Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Jaime Lannister “Kingslayer” Aliens Tips

“The things I do for love.” — Jaime Lannister
Jaime Lannister is a transformed man these days, but back in Season 1 he was pretty damn unpleasant.

The way he smiled tenderly at Cersei while pushing Bran out of the window was what made this line so disturbingly memorable.

“Jaime… my name’s Jaime.” — Jaime Lannister

Jaime says this line to Brienne in the baths when she calls him “Kingslayer”, shortly after he’s opened up to her about why he really killed the Mad King.

It’s pretty much the first time he really lets his mask of bravado slip and we see the vulnerability hiding just below the surface (a huge turning point for his character, in other words).

HBO game Of Thrones Quotes Cersei Lannister Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Cersei Lannister Aliens Tips “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.”

“When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.” — Cersei LannisterWhen can use it? When you roll the dice at the start of any board-game. HBO game Of Thrones Quotes

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
HBO game of thrones Quotes Cersei Lannister Aliens Tips “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.”

This one pretty much speaks for itself. It shows exactly how brutal Cersei’s character (and the game to which she’s referring) can be.

“If you ever call me sister again, I’ll have you strangled in your sleep.” — Cersei Lannister.

Cersei said this one to Margaery in the middle of a crowded room, while keeping a very sinister smile on her face. She definitely inherited her dad’s way with words.

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
HBO game of thrones Quotes Cersei Lannister Aliens Tips “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.”

“I don’t care about checking my worst impulses. I don’t care about making the world a better place. Hang the world.” — Cersei Lannister

HBO game of thrones Quotes Joffrey Baratheon Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
HBO game of thrones Quotes Joffrey Baratheon Aliens Tips

“Everyone is mine to torment. You’d do well to remember that, you little monster.” — Joffrey Baratheon.

Is there a line that better summed up Joffrey’s character than this one? The nasty little tyrant was basically like a spoiled toddler with a very large toy box —

he thought he could get away with doing anything, to anyone — and for a while, he did.

HBO game of thrones Quotes lady Melisandre Aliens Tips

“The night is dark and full of terrors.” — Melisandre.

A classic line that pretty well sums up Melisandre’s unpleasantness — she can be okay when she wants to be, but she’s not averse to birthing shadow assassins and casually burning a person or two.

“The way the world is made. The truth is all around you, plain to behold. The night is dark and full of terrors, the day bright and beautiful and full of hope. One is black, the other white.

There is ice and there is fire. Hate and love. Bitter and sweet. Male and female. Pain and pleasure.

Winter and summer. Evil and good.”…. “Death and life. Everywhere, opposites. Everywhere, the war.” — Melisandre.

HBO game Of Thrones Quotes Aerys II Targaryen Aliens Tips

“Burn them all!” — Aerys II Targaryen
Although he’s only in the show in flashback form, the Mad King’s final words cast a shadow over many of the series’

main characters. For Jaime it’s a haunting reminder of his “Kingslayer” title; for Bran, it’s an eerie, disconnected vision; and for Cersei.

it’s foreshadowing for her own murderous wildfire spree at the end of Season 6.

HBO game of thrones Quotes Syrio Forel Aliens Tips

“There is only one God and his name is Death, and there is only one thing we say to Death: ‘Not today.’” — Syrio Forel

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
HBO game of thrones Quotes Syrio Forel Aliens Tips “What do we say to the God of death?” — Syrio Forel

“What do we say to the God of death?” — Syrio Forel

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
HBO game of thrones Quotes Syrio Forel Aliens Tips “What do we say to the God of death?” — Syrio Forel

Oh, Syrio. His time on the show was painfully short, but he managed to get in a few good jabs while he was around.

HBO game Of Thrones Quotes Bronn Aliens Tips

“There’s no cure for being a c*nt.” — Bronn
Bronn may have his faults, but he certainly knows how to tell it like it is. He’s referring to Joffrey here, of course.

HBO game of thrones Quotes Brynden Tully “Blackfish” Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
HBO game of thrones Quotes Brynden Tully “Blackfish” Aliens Tips

“I’ve seen wet shits I like better than Walder Frey.” — Brynden Tully

Another spectacular one-liner, this time courtesy of the Blackfish.

HBO game of thrones Quotes Lord Varys Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
HBO game of thrones Quotes Lord Varys Aliens Tips

“Power resides where men believe it resides. It’s a trick; a shadow on the wall.” —Lord Varys

One of the main running themes in Game of Thrones is power: who has it, who wants it, and who plays the game to give the illusion of it. Nobody knows this better than Varys.

“The big fish eat the little fish and I keep on paddling.” — Lord Varys

The perfect summary of what Varys does best, straight from the Spider’s mouth.

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote  Lord Varys Aliens Tips

HBO game of thrones Quotes The Hound Aliens Tips

“I understand that if any more words come pouring out your c*nt mouth, I’m gonna have to eat every f*cking chicken in this room.” — The Hound.

This one’s definitely reached meme status, and we don’t want to over-exaggerate but it may well be one of the greatest lines ever spoken by any character in any TV show, ever.

HBO game of thrones Quotes Ramsay Bolton Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Ramsay Bolton Aliens Tips “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.” — Ramsay Bolton

“If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.” — Ramsay Bolton.

When to use it? When you’re about to watch an episode of Black Mirror.

A classic Ramsay line, and pretty much a metaphor for the show as a whole.

HBO game of thrones Quotes Arya Stark Aliens Tips

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Arya Stark Aliens Tips “Nothing isn’t better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing.” — Arya Stark

“Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe. When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey.” — Arya Stark.

This is Arya in peak badass mode, shortly after she casually dispatches the entire Frey family.

“A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. And I’m going home.” — Arya Stark.

After trying not to have a name for an entire Season, Arya finally — finally — made the decision we all wanted her to make. Let the crossing off of that list commence!

“Fear cuts deeper than swords.” — Arya Stark

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Arya Stark Aliens Tips “Nothing isn’t better or worse than anything.” — Arya Stark

“Nothing isn’t better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing.” — Arya Stark

The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes HBO game of thrones Quotes Aliens Tips
Game Of Thrones Quote Arya Stark Aliens Tips

HBO game of thrones Quotes Oberyn Martell Aliens Tips

“It’s a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don’t want to be most of us.” — Oberyn Martell

HBO game of thrones Quotes Sansa Stark Aliens Tips

“No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish. I’ll assume it was something clever.” — Sansa Stark

HBO game of thrones Quotes Samwell Tarly Aliens Tips

“I read it in a book.” — Samwell Tarly

It sounds like almost a throwaway line, but we think this one’s going to be pretty damn significant in the coming Season when Sam uses those sweet books to save the Kingdom.

HBO game of thrones Quotes Wylis/Hodor Aliens Tips

“Hold the door!” — Wylis/Hodor.

Not only is this one of the most memorable lines in the show — it’s also easily the most poignant. Oh, Hodor — you were far too pure for this cruel world…

Game isThrones Quote  Lyanna Mormont Aliens Tips

“I don’t plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me.” — Lyanna Mormont
Lyanna Mormont was pretty much everyone’s favorite character in Season 7. Lines like this are the reason why.

HBO game of thrones Quote Lady Olenna Aliens Tips

“He really was a c*nt, wasn’t he?” — Lady Olenna.

she’s talking about Joffrey here. And the fact that Olenna Tyrell can still deliver a line of this calibre even when she knows she’s about to die is a testament to just how awesome a character she was.

19 thoughts on “The Most Memorable HBO Game of Thrones Quotes”

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